- Novomar-Centro Multipolar de Valorización de Recursos y Residuos Marinos
La valorización de los recursos y subproductos marinos de la pesca a través de desarrollos biomédicos es el marco en el que el proyecto NOVOMAR y el Centro Multipolar de Valorización están localizados. Por lo tanto, se ha adoptado una visión más amplia del concepto de valorización: “utilizar subproductos y bienes infrautilizados para obtener productos de alto valor añadido”. Sin embargo, en los últimos años esta definición se ha ampliado y abarca no solamente los subproductos de la actividad pesquera así como otros organismos marinos que en condiciones particulares aumentan sus propiedades en el medio natural o se convierten en fuente de moléculas y compuestos en ciertos campos de la industria.
Ficha del proyecto

La valorización de los recursos y subproductos marinos de la pesca a través de desarrollos biomédicos es el marco en el que el proyecto NOVOMAR y el Centro Multipolar de Valorización están localizados. Por lo tanto, se ha adoptado una visión más amplia del concepto de valorización: “utilizar subproductos y bienes infrautilizados para obtener productos de alto valor añadido”. Sin embargo, en los últimos años esta definición se ha ampliado y abarca no solamente los subproductos de la actividad pesquera así como otros organismos marinos que en condiciones particulares aumentan sus propiedades en el medio natural o se convierten en fuente de moléculas y compuestos en ciertos campos de la industria.

- Iberomare-Centro Multipolar de Valorización de Recursos y Residuos Marinos
El proyecto IBEROMARE tiene como objetivo la creación de un Centro Multipolar que busca encontrar alternativas de valorización de recursos marinos y residuos de la industria pesquera, acuicultura y alimentaria (transformación de pescado y algas). En términos más específicos los objetivos de IBEROMARE son: Aumentar el valor añadido de los recursos naturales de las rías, zonas costeras y cuencas fluviales de las regiones involucradas; Promover la interacción networking entre el tejido empresarial y las instituciones de I+D; Fomentar actividades de I+D en un sector tradicional de la economía; Establecer un cronograma de acciones públicas de difusión de conocimiento generado
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El proyecto IBEROMARE tiene como objetivo la creación de un Centro Multipolar que busca encontrar alternativas de valorización de recursos marinos y residuos de la industria pesquera, acuicultura y alimentaria (transformación de pescado y algas). En términos más específicos los objetivos de IBEROMARE son: Aumentar el valor añadido de los recursos naturales de las rías, zonas costeras y cuencas fluviales de las regiones involucradas; Promover la interacción networking entre el tejido empresarial y las instituciones de I+D; Fomentar actividades de I+D en un sector tradicional de la economía; Establecer un cronograma de acciones públicas de difusión de conocimiento generado

- BIOTECMAR-Explotación BIOTECnológica de productos y subproductos MARinos
Creación de una red integral para la producción de compuestos de alto valor añadido a partir de recursos marinos atlánticos. BIOTECMAR asesorará a las PYMES de la zona atlántica para sacar provecho de la utilización de las biotecnologías modernas y para contribuir a una diversificación de las actividades derivadas de la explotación de biomasa marina en el marco estricto de una gestión sostenible de los recursos naturales marinos
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Creación de una red integral para la producción de compuestos de alto valor añadido a partir de recursos marinos atlánticos. BIOTECMAR asesorará a las PYMES de la zona atlántica para sacar provecho de la utilización de las biotecnologías modernas y para contribuir a una diversificación de las actividades derivadas de la explotación de biomasa marina en el marco estricto de una gestión sostenible de los recursos naturales marinos

- CVMAR-Centro Multipolar de Valorización
El Centro Multipolar de Valorización http://www.cvmar.eu tiene como misión servir de organismo consultivo y de apoyo a las empresas, administraciones e instituciones públicas y privadas sobre valorización de recursos y residuos marinos aplicados a sectores de la alimentación, cosmética, biomédicos, farmacéuticos y agrícolas
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El Centro Multipolar de Valorización http://www.cvmar.eu tiene como misión servir de organismo consultivo y de apoyo a las empresas, administraciones e instituciones públicas y privadas sobre valorización de recursos y residuos marinos aplicados a sectores de la alimentación, cosmética, biomédicos, farmacéuticos y agrícolas

- MARMED-Desarrollo de productos biomédicos innovadores procedentes de la valorización de los recursos marinos.
El proyecto MARMED tiene como objetivo la valorización de los residuos marinos y los subproductos en aplicaciones biomédicas y en estrecha colaboración con la industria que evalúa el potencial de mercado de las aplicaciones que se desarrollan o estudian. MARMED tiene la ambición de permitir la explotación continua, sostenible y económicamente viable de los recursos de las regiones costeras y las cuencas fluviales y de la acuicultura, aumentando el valor añadido de muchos componentes de estos recursos. Pretende desarrollar tecnologías ecológicas para la conversión de residuos en productos con aplicación industrial, mediante el establecimiento de métodos simples, eficientes y económicamente viables para extraer y purificar las sustancias que se encuentran en la flora/fauna marinas y fluvial y en la acuicultura
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El proyecto MARMED tiene como objetivo la valorización de los residuos marinos y los subproductos en aplicaciones biomédicas y en estrecha colaboración con la industria que evalúa el potencial de mercado de las aplicaciones que se desarrollan o estudian. MARMED tiene la ambición de permitir la explotación continua, sostenible y económicamente viable de los recursos de las regiones costeras y las cuencas fluviales y de la acuicultura, aumentando el valor añadido de muchos componentes de estos recursos. Pretende desarrollar tecnologías ecológicas para la conversión de residuos en productos con aplicación industrial, mediante el establecimiento de métodos simples, eficientes y económicamente viables para extraer y purificar las sustancias que se encuentran en la flora/fauna marinas y fluvial y en la acuicultura

- VALBIOMAR-Valorización biotecnológica de los recursos marinos
Valorización biotecnológica de los recursos marinos a través del aprovechamiento de subproductos de la pesca y organismos marinos para la obtención de compuestos con actividad biológica de aplicación en la industria de alimentación animal, humana, cosmética y farmacéutica y la transferencia de dicha tecnología a las PYMES.
Ficha del proyecto

Valorización biotecnológica de los recursos marinos a través del aprovechamiento de subproductos de la pesca y organismos marinos para la obtención de compuestos con actividad biológica de aplicación en la industria de alimentación animal, humana, cosmética y farmacéutica y la transferencia de dicha tecnología a las PYMES.

- MARPIPE. Improving the flow in the pipeline of the next generation of marine biodiscovery scientists
- MarPipe is a Research and Training Network of 11 academic and industrial partners based in 8 European countries working in collaboration to train young researchers in the field of marine drug-discovery. This consortium aims at improving the feasibility of using marine natural products in drug discovery programmes by overcoming the historical and complex bottlenecks, such as low quantities of secondary metabolites, supply issue of biological samples, cultivability and low microbial chemodiversity in standard lab conditions, difficulties in isolation, chemical structure elucidation of compounds, early and reliable validation of bioactivity and the best mechanisms of flow-through into exploitation. Marpipe will give trainning 11 ESRs in marine drug-discovery, providing these researchers with unique skills toward becoming world leaders in this research field and to advance their careers in academia or industry. MarPipe PhDs will be trained in a programme including training-by-research, joint courses of technical, scientific and transferrable skills, active participation to public scientific events, and an intense inter-sectoral networking exchange plan. Marine organisms have the capacity to produce a variety of biologically potent natural products, including antibiotic and anticancer compounds. MarPipe aims at further development of antimicrobial and anticancer lead compounds originating from a previous EU project (PharmaSea), and will also explore the bioactivity of deep-sea samples (5000m) collected during the recent Eurofleet-2 project in the sub-Antarctic. The PhD students will thus be involved in all phases of the drug discovery pipeline, from isolation of new microbial strains to pre-clinical development of lead compounds. Importantly, they will also be trained to overcome existing bottlenecks in the field, e.g. low yields and low chemodiversity, isolation of known compounds, toxicity of compounds. The discovery rates of new bioactive antimicrobial and anticancer molecules will be enhanced through 11 PhD projects that cover all phases of the biodiscovery pipeline. As a final outcome of the project, we envisage the creation of a marine biodiscovery start-up company, which will include most of the MarPipe partners. The scientists of the future will be trained to become conscious about the socio-economic and policy context of their work, since several specific MarPipe PhD projects focus on legal, policy, innovation and entrepreneurship themes.
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- The Genus Haslea, New marine resources for blue biotechnology and Aquaculture
- The GHaNA project aims to explore and characterize a new marine bioresource, for blue biotechnology applications in aquaculture, cosmetics and possibly food and health industry. The project will determine the biological and chemical diversity of Haslea diatoms to develop mass-scale production for viable industrial applications by maximising biomass production and associated high-value compound production, including terpenoids, marennine-like pigments, lipids and silica skeletons. The genus Haslea species type H. ostrearia, produces marennine, a water-soluble blue pigment used for greening oysters in Western France, which is also a bioactive molecule. Haslea diatoms have thus a high potential for use in (1) existing oyster farming, (2) production of pigments and bioactive compounds with natural antibacterial properties, (3) application as a colouring agent within industry, and (4) use of silica skeletons as inorganic “biocharges” in the formulation of new elastomeric materials. This will be achieved through fundamental and applied-oriented research to isolate fast- growing strains of Haslea, optimising their growth environment to increase marennine and other high-value compound productivity; to develop blue biotechnology specifically applied to benthic microalgae (biorefinery approach, processes); and to develop industrial exploitation of colouring and bioactive compounds through commercial activities of aquaculture, food, cosmetics and health.
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- ABACUS. Algae for a biomass applied to the production of added value compounds
- ABACUS gathers 2 large industries, 3 algae SMEs and 4 RTOs. It aims at a business-oriented and technology-driven development of a new algal biorefinery, thereby bringing to the market innovative algae-based ingredients for high-end applications, spanning from algal terpenes for fragrances to long-chain terpenoids (carotenoids) for nutraceuticals and cosmetic actives. One key objective of ABACUS is to obtain more than 10% photosynthates of targeted terpenoids. For this purpose, ABACUS selects and optimizes unique algae strains from 4 large culture collections owned by project’s partners. Moreover, ABACUS focuses on optimizing cultivation steps and mastering production of target products by online monitoring and automated control of photobioreactors with the development of specific sensors for terpenes and for the parameters relevant to terpene’s production (light, PO2, PCO2, nutrients). ABACUS investigates the fractionation steps to provide green low-cost downstream processing with a view to reduce operational expenses of the whole production line. Life cycle analysis and techno-economic analysis are fundamental guidelines of ABACUS’s developments to ensure that technologies and products are economically and environmentally sustainable. Applicability of targeted ingredients is assessed by the industrial partners (SMEs and large industries with established access to markets) considering cosmetic and nutraceutical applications. ABACUS aims to demonstrate biorefining processes allowing valorizing up to 95% of the algal biomass into high value ingredients and by-products. EU standards and market regulations associated to innovative bioprocesses and new ingredients are reviewed in order to demonstrate the acceptability of the ABACUS biorefinery. ABACUS key advantage lies in its business-oriented workplan, gathering key players along the whole product development chain and incorporating most-advanced technologies for efficient growth and fractionation of microalgae.
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- NOMORFILM. Novel marine biomolecules against biofilm. Application to medical devices
- Microalgae are a source of secondary metabolites useful as new bioactive compounds. The antibacterial activity of a few microalgae extracts has been reported. However, neither isolation nor characterization of the compounds responsible of the activity observed has been achieved. Most importantly, activity of microalgae extracts on biofilm formation has not been determined yet. Biofilm formation is especially important in infections and tissue inflammation related to implants and catheters. These problems finally cause a release of the implant, which must be removed and replaced by a new one, entailing an increase in antibiotic consumption, together with a health costs of 50,000-90,000 € per infection episode. The overall objective of NOMORFILM project is to search for antibiofilm compounds isolated from microalgae that will be useful in the treatment of this kind of infections and could be incorporated in the manufacturing of medical prosthetic devices. Most industrially interesting antibiofilm molecules will be incorporated into nanoparticles in order to develop manufacturing methodologies able to incorporate these compounds into real prosthetic devices matrixes. Several objectives in the project deal with improving directly the health of the EU citizens as well as the associated health cost, by generating potential new drug candidates to combat important health problems as prosthetic devices biofilm infections. This implies that efforts trying to reduce the percentage of prosthetic devices replaced due to biofilm infection will play an important role at a socioeconomic level: less money invested in replacement of implants and in antimicrobial treatments, and fewer expenses associated to hospitalization days.
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- BIOSEA. Innovative cost-effective technology for maximizing aquatic biomass-based molecules for food, feed and cosmetic applications
- The overall objective of BIOSEA is the development and validation of innovative, competitive and cost-effective upstream and downstream processes for the cultivation of 3 microalgae (Spirulina platensis, Isochrysis galbana and Nannochloropsis sp.), and 2 macroalgae (Ulva ohnoi and Saccharina latissima) to produce and extract at least 6 high value active principles at low cost (up to 55% less than with current processes) to be used in food, feed and cosmetic/personal care as high-added value products. The innovation will be on applying them on algae or in combination with other techniques for recovery of multiple compounds from the same feedstock, which will require technological adjustment & optimizations. BIOSEA process will be effective and environmental friendly and the compounds will be obtained at low cost and will be used in food, feed and cosmetic/personal care markets. By this way, the industrialization of the process could be addressed once the project ends
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- AlgaeCeuticals. Development of microalgae-based natural UV Sunscreens and Proteins as cosmeceuticals and nutraceuticals
- The biotechnology of microalgae has gained considerable importance in recent decades, as they represent a largely untapped reservoir of novel and valuable bioactive compounds. The biological and chemical diversity of the microalgae, has been the source of unique bioactive molecules with the potential for industrial development as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, nutritional supplements. The proposed project will combine both basic and applied research in the fields of –omics technologies, biochemistry, applied and enzyme biotechnology in order to exploit microalgae resources for the development: 1) Natural UV sunscreens, based on algae mycosporine-like aminoacids, 2) Algae-based nutraceuticals as functional foods and food supplements, 3) Algae-derived proteases with applications in cosmetic (skin repair enzymes) and food industry. The implementation of the project will offer to the involved academic and SMSs the opportunity to translate scientific research into well defined knowledge-based ‘green’ products and analytical tools. Apart from scientific objectives, the project will enhance the European’s capacity in the field of Blue Growth and Marine Biotechnology by exchanging interdisciplinary knowledge, developing and disseminating joint research activities, thus strengthening the intersectoral links between academia and industry for sustainable growth.
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- SIMECOS. A New Adjuvant Nutraceutical from the North Atlantic Ocean for Breast, Lung and Pancreatic Cancer Patients
- Genis is based in Siglufjördur, a village in the North Iceland traditionally focused on the fishing industry. After the fishery crisis worsen in 2008, Siglufjördur started to pay attention to the marine biotechnology, with Genis at the forefront. Hence, since 2002, we develop health products based in T-ChOS™ (Therapeutic Chitooligosaccharides), which are compounds obtained from chitin extracted from the North Atlantic shrimp exoskeleton. T-ChOS™ show a strong anti-inflammatory effect based in a novel biological pathway discovered by Genis: Inhibition of the YKL-40 chitinase enzyme, whose levels are very high in several diseases as cancer. Our in vitro, in vivo and human studies prove that T-ChOS™ can decrease inflammation and enhance tumour response to chemotherapy. During the Ph1 project, we confirmed the feasibility of developing a nutraceutical based on T-ChOS™ to use as an adjuvant to chemotherapy in cancer patients. In this Ph2 project, we aim to optimise manufacturing, validate through a clinical trial and bring to market SIMECOS: A nutraceutical for cancer patients derived from chitin purified T-ChOS™ molecules. SIMECOS targets lung, breast and pancreatic cancer patients, with survival rates after 5-year of 20%, 82.2% and 5.2%, respectively. SIMECOS is expected to increase their quality of life, thanks to its proven effects to decrease pain and fatigue. The high trends (30%-95%) among cancer patients to use complementary supplements entail a great business opportunity for SIMECOS as in Europe, there are more than 780,000 patients per year diagnosed with breast, pancreatic and lung cancer looking for solutions to decrease chemotherapy side effects and improve the effectiveness of their treatment. Clinically validated SIMECOS will help these patients. We expect SIMECOS to reach the market in 2020.
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- ATLAS. Bioengineered autonomous cell-biomaterials devices for generating humanised micro-tissues for regenerative medicine
- New generations of devices for tissue engineering (TE) should rationalize better the physical and biochemical cues operating in tandem during native regeneration, in particular at the scale/organizational-level of the stem cell niche. The understanding and the deconstruction of these factors (e.g. multiple cell types exchanging both paracrine and direct signals, structural and chemical arrangement of the extra-cellular matrix, mechanical signals…) should be then incorporated into the design of truly biomimetic biomaterials. ATLAS proposes rather unique toolboxes combining smart biomaterials and cells for the ground-breaking advances of engineering fully time-self-regulated complex 2D and 3D devices, able to adjust the cascade of processes leading to faster high-quality new tissue formation with minimum pre-processing of cells. Versatile biomaterials based on marine-origin macromolecules will be used, namely in the supramolecular assembly of instructive multilayers as nanostratified building-blocks for engineer such structures. The backbone of these biopolymers will be equipped with a variety of (bio)chemical elements permitting: post-processing chemistry and micro-patterning, specific/non-specific cell attachment, and cell-controlled degradation. Aiming at being applied in bone TE, ATLAS will integrate cells from different units of tissue physiology, namely bone and hematopoietic basic elements and consider the interactions between the immune and skeletal systems. These ingredients will permit to architect innovative films with high-level dialogue control with cells, but in particular sophisticated quasi-closed 3D capsules able to compartmentalise such components in a “globe-like” organization, providing local and long-range order for in vitro microtissue development and function. Such hybrid devices could be used in more generalised front-edge applications, including as disease models for drug discovery or test new therapies in vitro.
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- SponGES. Deep-sea Sponge Grounds Ecosystems of the North Atlantic: an integrated approach towards their preservation and sustainable exploitation
- The objective of SponGES is to develop an integrated ecosystem-based approach to preserve and sustainably use vulnerable sponge ecosystems of the North Atlantic. The SponGES consortium, an international and interdisciplinary collaboration of research institutions, environmental non-governmental and intergovernmental organizations, will focus on one of the most diverse, ecologically and biologically important and vulnerable marine ecosystems of the deep-sea - sponge grounds – that to date have received very little research and conservation attention. Our approach will address the scope and challenges of EC’s Blue Growth Call by strengthening the knowledge base, improving innovation, predicting changes, and providing decision support tools for management and sustainable use of marine resources. SponGES will fill knowledge gaps on vulnerable sponge ecosystems and provide guidelines for their preservation and sustainable exploitation. North Atlantic deep-sea sponge grounds will be mapped and characterized, and a geographical information system on sponge grounds will be developed to determine drivers of past and present distribution. Diversity, biogeographic and connectivity patterns will be investigated through a genomic approach. Function of sponge ecosystems and the goods and services they provide, e.g. in habitat provision, bentho-pelagic coupling and biogeochemical cycling will be identified and quantified. This project will further unlock the potential of sponge grounds for innovative blue biotechnology namely towards drug discovery and tissue engineering. It will improve predictive capacities by quantifying threats related to fishing, climate change, and local disturbances. SpongeGES outputs will form the basis for modeling and predicting future ecosystem dynamics under environmental changes. SponGES will develop an adaptive ecosystem-based management plan that enables conservation and good governance of these marine resources on regional and international levels.
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